Цитата jmrittenhouse77 (

When I click on an icon pack(.ico or .png) in Iconto, either one downloaded from within iconto or added by myself, some of the packs cause an error- Integer Overflow- in Windows 10. It doesnt happen all of the time, only some of the Icon packs produce the error. See attached screenshot.
I also have a quick question regarding the function of the iconto application. Is the program capable of applying whole icon packs? or just replacing individual icons? So far I have been unable to figure out how to apply an icon pack with the program.
thanks. I find the application to be very useful.
Здравствуйте, пришлите мне на почту alexstam@mail.ru архив с папкой значков "Vista Remix" - буду разбираться. Что касается изменения пакета значков, программа меняет только те папки или тип файла которые вы указываете